Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3 Resep Kue Beserta Gambarnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pada postingan kali ini kami kembali berbagi untuk Adik-adik yang mungkin mendapat tugas dari Guru Bahasa Inggris di sekolahnya, mencari resep kue lengkap dengan gambarnya dalah teks bahasa inggris. Nah dalam postingan ini kami bagikan 3 resep kue bahasa inggris.

1. Rainbow Cake

Rainbow Cake

Rainbow Cake

1. 10 grams milk powder
2. 100 grams wheat flour
3. 100 grams melted butter
4. 75 grams sugar
5. 5 white eggs
6. 1 tsp. emulsifier / TBM
7. 3 egg yolks
8. 1/4 teaspoon salt
9. Food color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple sufficiently
Topping ingredients:
Colorful mesis, colorful chocolate candy, white butter cream or whip cream, adjusted to your tastes.
How to Make:
1.        Whip Mix with sugar add salt and emulsifier until fluffy, turn off the mixer.
2.        Pour milk powder and flour which has been sifted and stir.
3.        Add the melted butter little by little and stir it well.
4.        Divide the dough into six parts in separate containers; give each of dough with different food coloring.
5.        Pour the batter into the round pan with a diameter of 22 cm. Grease a baking pan with a thin butter.
6.        Bake it for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius or until cooked.
7.        Do the same on the other dough.
8.        Arrange cake with purple on the bottom, rubbed with butter cream or whip cream, then stacked with blue cake. Do the same with the order of purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.
9.        Close the entire outside of the cake with butter cream or whip cream.
10.    Give topping with colorful meisies, colorful chocolate candy in accordance with your taste
11.    Rainbow cake is ready to be served and presented. It will look beautiful when you cut it.

2. Banana Cake

banana cake

1. 200 g margarine
2. 150 g fine sugar
3. 5 eggs
4. 1 teaspoon baking powder
5. ½ tsp. vanilla powder
6. 200 g mashed bananas
7. 225 g flour
How to make:
1. Mix margarine and sugar until white (soft), add eggs one by one while it is whipped until blended. Add powdered vanilla, pour it well.
2. Pour the flour which has been sifted together with the baking powder, whipped with a low speed mixer until blended. Add mashed banana and shake until all mixed. 
3. Put the mixture in a paper cup to ¾ full. Bake in oven at a temperature of 1850C until cooked. Remove and serve it.

3. Cup Cake
Cup Cake
cup cake

• 4 yolks
• 125 grams of margarine
• 3 white eggs
• 50 grams of refined sugar
• 20 g cornstarch
• 120 g cake flour
• 25 ml of liquid milk
• 50 ounces of grated cheddar cheese
• 50 gr sugar
• purple, yellow, red, orange, green dye sufficiently
How to Make:
1. Blend margarine and sugar until smooth. Add egg yolks one at a time alternately. Mix flour and whipped it till blend.
2. Add the remaining flour and cornstarch and liquid milk alternately. Mix it until blend. Set aside.
3. Whip the white egg until half fluffy half. Add the sugar a little while whipped until fluffy. Add blended margarine. Stir it well.
4. Add the grated cheddar cheese. Stir it well. Divide the dough into several parts.  Give different colors. Pour batter alternately into large muffin tins that have been lined with paper cups.
5. Bake in the oven with fire below 190 ° C for 25 minutes until cooked.

Itulah resep kue beserta gambarnya dalam bahasa inggris. Selamat belajar semoga pintar bahasa inggris.

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